Summer Weekend Opening Times – UPDATED

Summer Weekend Opening Times - UPDATED

Summer Weekend Opening Times – UPDATED

Members Notice

As a result of the changes to the Centre’s weekend opening times, it has highlighted the regularity with which users are in the building prior to the Duty Manager being on site to open the building.

Essential Health and Safety, Security and Maintenance checks need to take place prior to opening for the safety of all users, so with immediate effect the early morning cleaners have been asked to keep the building locked until the Duty team are on site to open the building to the public.

The initial weekend usage assessment for the Summer Opening Times did not report all of the members swipe attendance from 7am. Now that the Management Team are aware of the increased usage, we have listened to member feedback, and the gym will continue to open from 7am on Saturdays through the summer period, as long as usage levels continue to justify it.

Updated Centre Opening Times
(as of Monday 22nd July)

Mon-Fri:   6.30am – 11.00pm
Saturday: 8.00am – 6.00pm (gym-only open from 7am)
Sunday:   8.00am – 6.00pm

A further review of opening times will be completed in September. To assist with the accuracy of future usage reviews please ensure that you book courts/classes and swipe in for every visit to the Centre.

We thank you for your continued support

RSL Management

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